School of Fear Wiki

Edith Wellington in School of Fear: Class is Not Dismissed!

Edith Wellington is the headmistress of the School of Fear (also referred to as Summerstone). A former beauty queen, she has devoted her life to curing children of severe phobias that prevent them from living normal lives.


Mrs. Wellington is a former beauty queen, and dresses as such. She wears flamboyant outfits and makeup, normally matching in color. She is revealed to be bald underneath her wig.


Mrs. Wellington can be described as overbearing, as she always pushes the students to be the absolute best that they can be. She cares deeply for her students, especially Abernathy, the one student she never could cure. The former beauty queen also trains her students in the art of pageantry, likely to relive her glory days. She is eccentric and has many strange ways of teaching the kids, such as bringing them to the B&B (bats and bees) room. She can be dramatic and tends to over-exaggerate.


  • Wellington has extra capillaries in her lips that cause them to change colors based on her mood.